The period we just lived was challenging and many of us had to become more creative to cope with the numerous constraints — especially when behind a business. See how the beachwear brand Deeply made the best out of it and decided to showcase their new collection… indoors!

Deeply is a brand part of the Portuguese group Sonae, specialised in fashion and beachwear. Amongst their product range, you can find clothing as well as surfboards and wetsuits.

According to Deeply’s CEO Mónica Pimentel, the challenge for this campaign was to communicate a positive yet sensitive message but also create desire and interest for the brand.

In collaboration with the content creator Marie Pfisterer and her housemates, the result was a 1.30 minute video shot in their house at Biarritz. In “Love Letter to Summer”, the swimsuits are presented in various indoor situations, such as painting, indoor sports, or even in the bathtub instead of the sea.

Cherrydeck connects brands with professional creatives

Now that the lockdown is over in most countries in Europe, swimsuit and beachwear collections can be shot outdoors again. Here are some of the Cherrydeck members who can help you with your next campaign:

To see more indoor photographic series, check the results of our Cherrydeck Creators Award on the theme “Remote Is The New Black”. To explore more of the photographers in our community for your next beachwear collection or other campaigns, have a look at the Cherrydeck search or get more information about our offers, here.

You can find more of Marie’s work on her Instagram profile. ?

Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

Our mission is to enable brands to source custom visual content at scale through our global creative community. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates @cherrydeck

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